Partner Visa Document Upload Guide
I’ll start with some screenshots of what you’ll see, then explain the approach I took.
Payment page (immediately after clicking submit) |
After making payment |
The Application Status page
Click Attach documents (for the applicant): |
The Applicant documents screen: |
Click Attach documents (for the sponsor): |
The Sponsor documents screen: |
I freaked out the first time I saw these lists.
I was even more freaked out after I browsed the Document Types that nest under Evidence Type and saw that things like “Marriage Certificate”, “Birth Certificate”, “Passport”, etc came under 4 different Evidence Types
· will I have to upload the same document more than once?
· what about the 60 document limit?
Most of these Evidence Types don’t even apply to my situation, or even the Partner Visa that I am applying for.
The upload section lists every Evidence Type for all kinds of visa available.
I ignored these suggested lists (the ones with “Recommended” against them).
I clicked the “Attach more documents” button and realised that there were Evidence Types that are specific to a Partner Visa, that they haven’t marked as “Recommended”
There were 4 Evidence Types that I could immediately map to the 47SP/40SP forms:
· Financial aspects of the relationship, Evidence of
· Nature of the couple's household, Evidence of
· Social aspects of the relationship, Evidence of
· Nature of couple's mutual commitment to each other, Evidence of
I split as much of my supporting documentation into these 4 categories.
To show you how I dealt with Evidence Types, let me first give you an example of the documents I had:
List of the documents (I have replaced my name with “Applicant” and my partner’s name as “Sponsor”):
Document |
Purpose |
[CertifiedCopy]_Applicant_BirthCertificate.pdf |
Self explanatory |
[CertifiedCopy]_Applicant_Passport.pdf |
Self explanatory |
[CertifiedCopy]_Applicant_ImmigrationStamps.pdf |
Copy of immigration stamps from passort for anything involving the Sponsor |
[CertifiedCopy]_Applicant_HomeCountryDrivingLicense.pdf |
Self explanatory |
Applicant_RecentPayslip.pdf |
Self explanatory |
Applicant_JointTravel_ETicketHoliday1.pdf |
Holiday1 - Eticket to a destination other than Australia where I met up with the Sponsor (matching Eticket in Sponsor section) |
Applicant_JointTravel_ETicketHoliday2.pdf |
Holiday2 - Eticket to a destination other than Australia where I met up with the Sponsor (matching Eticket in Sponsor section) |
Applicant_LetterFromEmployer_ConfirmationOfNextOfKin.pdf |
Letter from employer confirming job title, date started and hours worked/expected each week. Also states that Sponsor is down as emergency contact/next of kin |
Applicant_LetterFromSuperFund_SponsorIs100PercentBeneficiary.pdf |
Letter from Superannuation fund stating that Sponsor is the 100% beneficiary in the event of my demise |
Applicant_2PassportPhotos.pdf |
Scan of 2 passport photos of the Applicant |
Applicant_LetterFromHealthInsuranceProvider.pdf |
Letter from Health Insurance Provider stating coverage and date of commencement. Letter also states it can be provided to DIBP as evidence of coverage purchase |
Applicant_NameChangeDocument.pdf |
Scan of deedpoll document showing name change |
Applicant_StatementOfRelationship.pdf |
Statement of Relationship between themselves and the Sponsor |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_BirthCertificate.pdf |
Self explanatory |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_MarriageCertificate.pdf |
Self explanatory |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_Passport.pdf |
Self explanatory |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_ExpirerdPassport.pdf |
Sponsor has renewed passport since they met the Applicant |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_VisaForApplicant'sCountry.pdf |
Sponsor was on this visa when they met the Applicant in the Applicant's home country |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_DrivingLicense.pdf |
Self explanatory |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_ImmigrationStamps.pdf |
Copy of immigration stamps from passport for any travel involving the Applicant |
Sponsor_RecentPayslip.pdf |
Self explanatory |
Sponsor_JointTravel_ETicketHoliday1.pdf |
Holiday1 - Eticket to a destination other than Australia where the Sponsor met up with the Applicant (matching Eticket in Applicant section) |
Sponsor_JointTravel_ETicketHoliday2.pdf |
Holiday2 - Eticket to a destination other than Australia where the Sponsor met up with the Applicant (matching Eticket in Applicant section) |
Sponsor_LetterFromEmployer_ConfirmationOfNextOfKin.pdf |
Letter from employer confirming job title, date started and hours worked/expected each week. Also states that Applicant is down as emergency contact/next of kin |
Sponsor_LetterFromSuperFund_ApplicantIs100PercentBeneficiary.pdf |
Letter from Superannuation fund stating that Applicant is the 100% beneficiary in the event of their demise |
Sponsor_2PassportPhotos.pdf |
Self explanatory |
Sponsor_StatementOfRelationship.pdf |
Statement of Relationship between themselves and the Applicant |
Applicant&Sponsor_RecentGasBill.pdf |
Self explanatory |
Applicant&Sponsor_RecentElectricityBill.pdf |
Self explanatory |
Applicant&Sponsor_1stJointBankStatement.pdf |
Self explanatory |
Applicant&Sponsor_RecentJointBankStatement.pdf |
Self explanatory |
Applicant&Sponsor_BondLodgement.pdf |
Self explanatory |
Applicant&Sponsor_TenancyAgreement.pdf |
Self explanatory |
Applicant&Sponsor_PicturesOfSocialLife.pdf |
Pictures of the Applicant and the Sponsor with friends and/or family whilst socialising - ie parties, group dinners, other people's weddings, etc |
Applicant&Sponsor_PicturesFromWedding&Reception.pdf |
Pictures from the Applicant's and the Sponsor's wedding and reception - ie group shots of family/friends, pictures of ceremony, pictures of first dance, pictures of cake cutting, etc |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointTravel_ETicket1.pdf |
ETicket of Applicant and Sponsor travelling together |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointTravel_ETicket2.pdf |
ETicket of Applicant and Sponsor travelling together |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointTravel_ETicket3.pdf |
ETicket of Applicant and Sponsor travelling together |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointTravel_ETicket4.pdf |
ETicket of Applicant and Sponsor travelling together |
Applicant&Sponsor_CommunicationDuringSeparation_SkypeLog.pdf |
Complete listing of Skype Log between Applicant and Sponsor during periods of Separation |
Applicant&Sponsor_CommunicationDuringSeparation_PhoneCallLog.pdf |
Complete listing of phone call log between Applicant and Sponsor during periods of separation |
Applicant&Sponsor_CommunicationDuringSeparation_ViberLog.pdf |
Complete listing of skype call log between Applicant and Sponsor during periods of separation |
Applicant&Sponsor_CommunicationDuringSeparation_WhatsAppSnapshot.pdf |
Snapshot (ie a few lines of conversation a week) between the Applicant and Sponsor during periods of separation |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointActivities_Various.pdf |
Scans of Hotel bookings, restaurant booking, tickets for events, tickets for the theatre, tickets for the cinema, invitations to weddings, table place name cards from wedding receptions, etc |
Applicant&Sponsor_PicturesAsCouple.pdf |
Pictures of the Applicant and the Sponsor as a couple (no-one else in any of these pictures) |
Applicant&Sponsor_FutureJointTravel_ETicket1.pdf |
ETicket for a journey that the Applicant and Sponsor have yet to do |
Form888_FamilyMember1.pdf |
Self explanatory |
Form888_FamilyMember2.pdf |
Self explanatory |
Form888_Friend1.pdf |
Self explanatory |
Form888_Friend2.pdf |
Self explanatory |
YYYY-MM-DD_SponsorVisitsApplicant1.pdf |
1st ETicket where the Sponsor visits the Applicant |
YYYY-MM-DD_SponsorVisitsApplicant2.pdf |
2nd ETicket where the Sponsor visits the Applicant |
YYYY-MM-DD_SponsorVisitsApplicant3.pdf |
3rd ETicket where the Sponsor visits the Applicant |
YYYY-MM-DD_ApplicantVisitsSponsor1.pdf |
1st ETicket where the Applicant visits the Sponsor in Australia |
YYYY-MM-DD_ApplicantVisitsSponsor2.pdf |
2nd ETicket where the Applicant visits the Sponsor in Australia |
As multiple documents essentially fulfilled the same purpose, I combined them into documents. I used but there are plenty of free pdf joining services online – feel free to use whatever you prefer. I created a simple contents page in Word, which I printed to pdf and combined with others to give a complete document. A sample contents page is: |
So I managed to combine the following documents:
Original Documents |
New Document |
Applicant_JointTravel_ETicketHoliday1.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointTravel.pdf |
Applicant_JointTravel_ETicketHoliday2.pdf |
Sponsor_JointTravel_ETicketHoliday1.pdf |
Sponsor_JointTravel_ETicketHoliday2.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointTravel_ETicket1.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointTravel_ETicket2.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointTravel_ETicket3.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointTravel_ETicket4.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_RecentGasBill.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_RecentGas&ElectricityBill.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_RecentElectricityBill.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_1stJointBankStatement.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_1st&Recent_JointBankStatement.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_RecentJointBankStatement.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_BondLodgement.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_BondLodgement&TenancyAgreement.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_TenancyAgreement.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_CommunicationDuringSeparation_SkypeLog.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_CommunicationDuringPeriodsOfSeparation.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_CommunicationDuringSeparation_PhoneCallLog.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_CommunicationDuringSeparation_ViberLog.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_CommunicationDuringSeparation_WhatsAppSnapshot.pdf |
YYYY-MM-DD_SponsorVisitsApplicant1.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_VisitsBetweenPeriodsOfSeparation.pdf |
YYYY-MM-DD_SponsorVisitsApplicant2.pdf |
YYYY-MM-DD_SponsorVisitsApplicant3.pdf |
YYYY-MM-DD_ApplicantVisitsSponsor1.pdf |
YYYY-MM-DD_ApplicantVisitsSponsor2.pdf |
This takes the original 54 document list down to 38 documents:
Document |
[CertifiedCopy]_Applicant_BirthCertificate.pdf |
[CertifiedCopy]_Applicant_Passport.pdf |
[CertifiedCopy]_Applicant_ImmigrationStamps.pdf |
[CertifiedCopy]_Applicant_HomeCountryDrivingLicense.pdf |
Applicant_RecentPayslip.pdf |
Applicant_LetterFromEmployer_ConfirmationOfNextOfKin.pdf |
Applicant_LetterFromSuperFund_SponsorIs100PercentBeneficiary.pdf |
Applicant_2PassportPhotos.pdf |
Applicant_LetterFromHealthInsuranceProvider.pdf |
Applicant_NameChangeDocument.pdf |
Applicant_StatementOfRelationship.pdf |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_BirthCertificate.pdf |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_MarriageCertificate.pdf |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_Passport.pdf |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_ExpirerdPassport.pdf |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_VisaForApplicant'sCountry.pdf |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_DrivingLicense.pdf |
[CertifiedCopy]_Sponsor_ImmigrationStamps.pdf |
Sponsor_RecentPayslip.pdf |
Sponsor_LetterFromEmployer_ConfirmationOfNextOfKin.pdf |
Sponsor_LetterFromSuperFund_ApplicantIs100PercentBeneficiary.pdf |
Sponsor_2PassportPhotos.pdf |
Sponsor_StatementOfRelationship.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_RecentGas&ElectricityBill.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_1st&Recent_JointBankStatement.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_BondLodgement&TenancyAgreement.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_PicturesOfSocialLife.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_PicturesFromWedding&Reception.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointTravel.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_CommunicationDuringPeriodsOfSeparation.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointActivities_Various.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_PicturesAsCouple.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_FutureJointTravel_ETicket1.pdf |
Form888_FamilyMember1.pdf |
Form888_FamilyMember2.pdf |
Form888_Friend1.pdf |
Form888_Friend2.pdf |
Applicant&Sponsor_VisitsBetweenPeriodsOfSeparation.pdf |
Splitting into Evidence and Document Types
I started by splitting documents according to the 4 Evidence types that blatantly applied to the Partner Visa (within “Attach more documents”)
I created an Excel spreadsheet.
Within it I created 3 worksheets:
Full List, Applicant & Sponsor
On the Full List worksheet, I placed a list of the 38 documents that I had ready to upload
On the Applicant and Sponsor worksheets, I put in 6 column headings:
Using the Attach Documents page on ImmiAccount as a guide I started to populate the worksheet:
Document to upload |
The name of the file to be uploaded (copied from the Full List worksheet) |
Evidence Type |
The Evidence type that the document applies to |
Document Type |
The Document type that the document applied to |
Description |
A short description for the document The upload page will not accept any symbols |
Char Count |
I used Excel formula: =LEN(D2) Dragging this formula down the columns gave me a character length for description. I needed this as the description field on the upload page has a 40 character maximum |
Uploaded? |
Ignore this field till later on When you start to upload documents, put something in this field – then you can sort it by blanks – ie only show fields that have yet to be uploaded |
Performing an actual upload
I decided to start with the 4 Evidence Types that apply to the Partner Visa
Click Attach more documents |
2) Select the Document type
3) Enter a Description (Note: this field has a 40 character maximum and only accepts letters and numbers)
4) Choose the file
5) Click Add attachment
The Financial aspects evidence type now appears on the main list: |
Uploaded the Joint Travel document |
After adding the attachment, I selected the pictures from our social life document |
After adding the 2nd attachment, I selected the pictures from our wedding and reception document |
After adding the 3rd document, I just needed to click Confirm: |
Once Confirm had been clicked, I could see the uploaded documents in the main list: |
Only difference when choosing from the main list is that the Evidence type is filled in for you Added our Tenancy Agreement document |
Added the gas and electricity bill document: |
After clicking Confirm, the uploaded files appeared on the main page: |
Continue with this same process until you have uploaded all files for the Applicant.
Use the Sponsor’s “Attach more documents” button to upload the documents that apply to them.