Applicant Worksheet |
Document to upload |
Evidence Type |
Document Type |
Description |
Char Count |
Uploaded? |
Applicant&Sponsor_1st&Recent_JointBankStatement.pdf |
Financial aspects of
the relationship, Evidence of |
Financial Statements
- Joint |
Joint Bank Statements |
21 |
Applicant&Sponsor_RecentGas&ElectricityBill.pdf |
Nature of the
couple's household, Evidence of |
Utilities Notice |
Recent gas and
electricity bill |
31 |
Applicant&Sponsor_BondLodgement&TenancyAgreement.pdf |
Nature of the
couple's household, Evidence of |
Statement |
Bond Lodgement
Tenancy Agreement |
32 |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointTravel.pdf |
Social aspects of the
relationship, Evidence of |
Travel itinerary -
Joint |
Joint Travel |
12 |
Applicant&Sponsor_PicturesFromWedding&Reception.pdf |
Social aspects of the
relationship, Evidence of |
Other (specify) |
Pictures from wedding
and reception |
35 |
Applicant&Sponsor_PicturesOfSocialLife.pdf |
Social aspects of the
relationship, Evidence of |
Other (specify) |
Pictures from social
life |
25 |
Applicant&Sponsor_CommunicationDuringPeriodsOfSeparation.pdf |
Nature of couple's
mutual commitment to each other, Evidence of |
Other (specify) |
Communication during
separation |
31 |
Applicant&Sponsor_FutureJointTravel_ETicket1.pdf |
Nature of couple's
mutual commitment to each other, Evidence of |
Other (specify) |
ETickets for joint
future travel |
32 |
Applicant&Sponsor_PicturesAsCouple.pdf |
Nature of couple's
mutual commitment to each other, Evidence of |
Other (specify) |
Pictures as a couple |
20 |
Applicant&Sponsor_VisitsBetweenPeriodsOfSeparation.pdf |
Nature of couple's
mutual commitment to each other, Evidence of |
Other (specify) |
Visits between
periods of separation |
36 |
Applicant_LetterFromEmployer_ConfirmationOfNextOfKin.pdf |
Nature of couple's
mutual commitment to each other, Evidence of |
Other (specify) |
Next of kin statement
from employer |
35 |
Applicant_LetterFromSuperFund_SponsorIs100PercentBeneficiary.pdf |
Nature of couple's
mutual commitment to each other, Evidence of |
Document |
Sponsor 100 percent
beneficiary on super |
40 |
Applicant&Sponsor_JointActivities_Various.pdf |
Nature of couple's
mutual commitment to each other, Evidence of |
Other (specify) |
Various joint
activity |
22 |
Form888_FamilyMember1.pdf |
Form 888 Statutory
declaration by a supporting witness in relation to a
Partner or Prospective Marriage visa application |
Form 888 Statutory
declaration by a supporting witness in relation to
a Partner or Prospective Marriage visa application |
Family member Form
888 |
22 |
Form888_FamilyMember2.pdf |
Form 888 Statutory
declaration by a supporting witness in relation to a
Partner or Prospective Marriage visa application |
Form 888 Statutory
declaration by a supporting witness in relation to
a Partner or Prospective Marriage visa application |
Family member Form
889 |
22 |
Form888_Friend1.pdf |
Form 888 Statutory
declaration by a supporting witness in relation to a
Partner or Prospective Marriage visa application |
Form 888 Statutory
declaration by a supporting witness in relation to
a Partner or Prospective Marriage visa application |
Friend Form 888 |
15 |
Form888_Friend2.pdf |
Form 888 Statutory
declaration by a supporting witness in relation to a
Partner or Prospective Marriage visa application |
Form 888 Statutory
declaration by a supporting witness in relation to
a Partner or Prospective Marriage visa application |
Friend Form 888 |
15 |
Applicant_StatementOfRelationship.pdf |
Relationship -
Spouse, De facto Partner, Evidence of |
Further statement
about relationship |
Statement of
relationship |
25 |
Applicant_LetterFromHealthInsuranceProvider.pdf |
Health Insurance,
Evidence of |
Health Insurance
Document |
Letter from Health
Insurance Provider |
37 |
Applicant_RecentPayslip.pdf |
Employment - Current,
Evidence of |
Payslip |
Recent Payslip |
14 |
[CertifiedCopy]_Applicant_BirthCertificate.pdf |
Birth or Age,
Evidence of |
Birth Certificate |
Certified copy of
birth certificate |
35 |
[CertifiedCopy]_Applicant_Passport.pdf |
Identity, Evidence of |
Passport |
Certified copy of
passport |
26 |
[CertifiedCopy]_Applicant_ImmigrationStamps.pdf |
Travel History,
Evidence of |
Entry/exit stamped
pages of the current passport |
Certified copy of
immigration stamps |
36 |
[CertifiedCopy]_Applicant_HomeCountryDrivingLicense.pdf |
Identity, Evidence of |
Other (specify) |
Certified copy Home
country driving lic |
39 |
Applicant_NameChangeDocument.pdf |
Change of Name,
Evidence of |
Change of Name
Certificate |
Name change document |
20 |
Applicant_2PassportPhotos.pdf |
Photograph - Passport |
Photograph - Passport |
2 passport photos |
17 |